sitting on this one, and halfa hundred more of my choicest finger paint masterpieces for more than a year.
Pulling together a whole book, "My First Hundred Teefes", of Teefes living rich lives of their own.
Drawn on the Nexus 7 tablet we got from Google, a few of the somewhat bizarre drawings were drawn on top of warped television pictures. Drawing with a finger tip on a slightly less than 4x7inch screen doesn't lend itself to accuracy. It yields images so lumpy and crooked I still wonder why I like them so much. Turns out, the coarse brush and limited undo option pushed the "I meant to do that factor" to new heights.
I'd been drawing teefes blocks, Teefes to pose for drawings. I wanted to make a hundred of em, but even with a smooth cut from the scroll saw, sanding, drawing, and burning the drawings on took quite a while. I was pleasantly surprised when...
The Teefes achieved critical mass before I noticed. Somewhere between eight and eleven, I caught them out of the corner of my eye, and immediately knew they were up to something.

inja felt them wake up! When Starshell spun away with Pinwheel, there was no stopping them. They surged into motion, trailing sawdust and a smokey smell.